How to be dumbass

Do you want to send an evil demon to yourself without any up side, and no getting rid of it? No? Well your gonna do it anyway.
What your going to need:
*2 Candles
*A mirror
*A basement, attic that has a light that can be quickly turned off or on
*Thor, god of dildos (AKA ass)
*Ox blood
*A pet (One dear to you.)
*And a picture of you in a selfie.
#First off start this at 12:00p.m.
#Turn off your lights... ALL OF THEM.
#Have no friend around you (Oh wait you already completed that.)
#Heavely breath on your mirror
#Wait two seconds
#Place the photo of a selfie with you in it, between your butt cheeks (Odin, or thor i dont fucking know mythological shit!).
#Put your ass up to the mirror, and rub on it (The mirror you sick fucks)
#Poor the Ox blood all over your sink
#Then kill (I don't care how just do it.) your pet that you loved in a different room from your bathroom and your attic, basement.
#then place the corpse of your best friend in that bathroom
#Place down the two candles somewhere on the sink
#Light the first candle
#Before you light the second one chant this in the dark, alone... I am an internet addict, I am an internet addict, I am an internet addict and a loner.
#Quickly run into your basement/ attic.
#After your first step in close your eye's
#count to 10 open your eye's and turn on the lights in your basement/attic
#Go to the bathroom you placed the corpse in
#If you did it right you would be alive by now
Great job! You summoned a demon in your home! And there's no way of getting rid of it!
Good luck! HMU too! Only girls 391-204-9866